Why Vitamin B12 & Lipotropic is Important


Hormone administration and a 500 calorie diet are the hallmarks of the HCG diet. Because of the fact that this is a low calorie diet, keeping healthy may pose a challenge.

You will in general lose the natural source of vitamins which is a bad thing. This case is especially hard for Vegans. There might be even severe chances of you breaking down or becoming severely weak. Other symptoms to follow are headache, face swelling, shortness of breath, a tendency to vomit etc.

All of these are direct causes of Vitamin B12 deficiency. For this reason alone Dr. Simeons has clear directions for vitamin supplements in his diet protocol. Patients generally experience a high weight loss and better tolerable diet cycle when Vitamin B12 is combined with HCG diet.

At HCGRX offer the highest quality B12 injections on the market of both Methylcobalamin and Cyanocobalamin for our clients who want to increase their metabolisms and energy levels. The difference between the two forms of B12 is described below:

Methylcobalamin is less readily available which makes it more expensive to produce however there is no conversion required when taking this version of B12. The lack of conversion makes the effects of Methyl B12 take effect more quickly and more effectively.

Cyanocobalamin is readily available which makes it less expensive to produce but also has to convert to Methyl-B12 in the body.

Regardless of which type of B12 shot you decide onto take you can improve weight loss results via the metabolic increase you will experience.


For those suffering from a b12 deficiency it must be noted that the fastest and most efficient ways to deliver an effective dose is through an intramuscular b12 shot. The injections allow the body to absorb and put the vitamin into use almost immediately. Oral b12 is effective over time but not as effective as the vitamin has to go through the digestive process before it can be used.

But what is the benefit of B12? Are there any side effects? What are some symptoms of low B12?

Here is a list that will answer some common questions.

B12 deficiency symptoms

  • Tingling in fingers or toes
  • Heartburn
  • White spots on skin
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fatigue
  • Moodiness
[ultimate_info_banner banner_desc=”TIP: If taking b12 shots it is important to be sure to stay to the proper dosage. 1ml of b12 taken 1 or twice a week is generally sufficient to help with a deficiency and minimize any side effects associated with taking vitamin b12. Of course it is best to research thoroughly and/or consult a physician before taking any supplements or shots.” title_color=”#ffffff” desc_color=”#ffffff” ib3_background=”#89b015″ title_font_size=”desktop:10px;” desc_font_size=”desktop:12px;”]