Phase 1: Loading

Your first two days are called the “loading days”, or the “binge days”. Take your doses of HCG and vitamin B-12 daily as directed depending on which form you are on.

This is where you will consume plenty of healthy foods, especially fats.  These fats will be stored to be used solely for energy during the low calorie diet, so don’t skimp or your energy levels may suffer, or you may become too hungry a few days into Phase II.

Another possible reason for the loading phase is that these healthy fats may replace the important fats that are burned when you have gone for long periods of time without eating. The thought is that when this fat is restored during this phase, what burns during Phase 2 is the newer, bad fat that has no purpose.

Some programs suggest unhealthy foods like donuts, but as health care professionals we recommend using healthier choices such as nuts, almond butter, cheeses, olive oil, avocados and meal suggestions such as the following for your loading Phase:

  • Cheese omelet for breakfast or a whole grain bagel with butter or full fat cream cheese, not low fat! 
  • Free-range cheeseburger from Fuddruckers, BurgerFi or Five Guys with a side of fries
  • Chicken, Eggplant Parmesan or Pizza (organic from Pizza Fusion!)
  • Anything from Chipotle! (see their calorie count online and you’ll be surprised at the high caloric content, even of their salads!)
  • Hagan Daz Ice Cream (Swiss Vanilla Almond gives you the fat from the cream and the almonds)

TIP: If these foods are not readily available, of course, you can choose any other type of high-fat food such as burgers from Burger King, but we recommend always putting high quality “fuel” into your “tank”.”